Air Pollution
4:49 AM | Author:
Air Pollution is one of the many issues we would wish to create awareness in people

Causes of Air Pollution :

-    The massive amount of carbon dioxide release from oil, chemical, heavy metal industries

-    Vehicles on the ground and in the air, release carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the combustion of fossil fuels

-    Man made forest fires causes massive amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the air. These fires also destroy trees and other plants that are important in to process of creating oxygen.

-    Pesticides used in agricultural are also a source of air pollution

-    Hair spray, paints and other solvents release fumes into the air

-    Landfills and dumping ground cause methane to be released into the air

Effects of Air Pollution :

-    Acid rain caused by air pollution would kill of marine life in lakes and river due the sudden change in acidic levels in the water and plant life on the ground.

-    Causes the human respiratory system to have problems or in extreme cases, death.

-    Causes cancer in humans

Solutions for Air Pollution :

-    Change the way you travel around, take public transports or if you drive, use hybrid cars that uses compressed natural gas (CNG). Walk or cycle if possible.

-    Always keep your car tuned properly so that the car remains in a good condition which result in less carbon dioxide being created.

-    If possible, use solar power for your home, this reduce the need of energy for power plants.

-    Switch off the lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, and other appliances, when not in use.

-     Support governments actions to limit carbon dioxide emission from heavy industrials.

-    Reduce one’s rubbish and recycle more often, this helps to reduce carbon dioxide emission when rubbish is burnt in the incinerator.
