Water Pollution
4:50 AM | Author:
Water Pollution is one of the many issues we would wish to create awareness in people

Causes of Water Pollution :

-   The accidental or deliberate release of crude oil into the ocean by cargo vessels.

-   The dumping of industrial wastes into rivers, lakes or the ocean is one of the other reason for water pollution. The wastes often contains toxic or radioactive materials, would cause contaminate to the river/lakes/oceans.

-   Trash washed into the ocean due to heavy rains or inland flooding are also one of the causes of water pollution.

-    Intentional dumping of human wastes, untreated or partially treated sewage water into the ocean is also one of the other causes of water pollution.

-   When air contaminated with sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides reaches the ocean’s surface, the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air reacts with water which forms of acid rain, there-by causing pollution the acid rain reacts with the ocean.

Effects of Water Pollution : 

-    As oil spills are hazardous for any marine life.
  • It would seriously affects the life cycle of coral reefs.
  • It could clog up the gills of fishes, which prevents respiration for them in turn leads to death.
  • It affects the process of photosynthesis of marine plants, as it blocks of sunlight from reaching them.-    Toxic wastes cause by dumping, have direct effect on marine life and affect the human beings indirectly. When these harmful toxic wastes are dumped into the ocean, the fishes could have consume the poisonous chemicals. When these fishes is eaten by humans, this could lead to food poisoning.
-    Dumping of garbage into ocean can reduce the oxygen dissolved in water. As a result, the health of marine life would be affected seriously. Due to lack of oxygen, the sea animals including whales, seals, herrings, dolphins, penguins and sharks could go extinct.

-    Carbon dioxide has hazardous affects for marine life like, coral reefs or free-swimming algae.

-    Plastics dumped into ocean can affect the marine life to a great extent. Plastic items such as bottles and bags could choke and suffocate the marine life, as they would eat them, thinking that they are food. Plastics are known to be a major cause for the death of turtles, as they swallow the floating bags, mistaking them for jelly fish.

Ways To Reduce Water Pollution :

-    Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly. It is better to use non-toxic, products for the house as far as possible. It is better to not dispose such products by throwing them into your toilet or sink.
-    Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate recycling habits into your daily life. Non-degradable products should not be flushed down the toilet, for these can end up damaging the process of sewage treatment, and would usually end up as litter on beaches.

-    Refrain from throwing litter into any form of water source. If you do spot litter on beaches or in water systems, after ascertaining that it is safe, collect them and dispose off them in any nearby trash bin.

-    Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible. It is also important to keep your automobile well maintained in order to prevent leakages of toxic fluids.
-    Also, actively conserve water by turning the tap off when you do not need running water, such as activities like brushing your teeth.

-    Try using environmentally friendly household products like toiletries, soap-based household cleaning material, and washing powder as far as possible.
